Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
Board of Trustees (Board) Meetings
Academic and Student Affairs Committee (ASAC) Meetings
Executive, Audit and Governance Committee (EAGC) Meetings
Finance and Administration Committee (FAC) Meetings
Public Comment
The board encourages public participation in its meetings through the public comment process. The board provides time on its agenda at each regular meeting for members of the public to provide oral or written comments.
The public comment period may last up to 30 minutes unless otherwise specified in the public notice for the meeting. Each commenter is limited to three minutes. To ensure different viewpoints are heard and to ensure comments relevant to the day’s agenda are heard, the chair may call individuals out of order of sign-up or may require that a group designate one spokesperson to make comments on behalf of the group.
While the board may not address items that come forward during public comment, the board appreciates the public’s interest and welcomes your comments.
To sign up for public comment:
Before the meeting: Contact the Office of the Board of Trustees by phone at least 24-hours in advance of the meeting at (541) 552-8055 or by email at trustees@sou.edu. Commenters should include their name, email address, phone number, relationship to SOU, and the subject of the public comments.
To provide written comments to the board:
Email trustees@sou.edu. Commenters should include their name, email address, phone number, relationship to SOU, and subject of the public comments.
Members of the public also may deliver or mail their written comments to: SOU Board of Trustees, 1250 Siskiyou Boulevard, Churchill Hall 107, Ashland, OR 97520.
All written public comments will be provided to the board. Those comments received at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled meeting will be provided to the board in advance of the meeting and included in the meeting materials.
To arrange special ADA accommodations, please contact Holly Frazier at (541) 552-8055 at least 48 hours in advance of a public meeting or email trustees@sou.edu.
SOU Board of Trustees
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520